Sunday, January 28, 2007

Miri Daily News Wedding Reporter

Today, Eyan and I covered a wedding for Raymond and Grace. Whilst everything else was as any other wedding, I did encounter a strange experience. A Miri Daily News female reporter was also at the church where the ceremony was held. Apparently, she was there as a guest to 'report' on the wedding. Whilst this was normal, what was strange was that this reporter hogged the front row blocking the line of sight of myself of the only angle to capture the Bride and Groom exchanging rings. When asked to move, she refused. Yes, she refused to move for the official photographer paid thousands of dollars to record the moments. She not only refused to move but she was standing about three feet away from them effectively blocking off all visibility to capture the hands of the B&G. Even the groom's uncles commented to me asking me why I didnt give her a piece of my mind. They saw me asking her to please move so I can go in to grab the shot and saw her refusing to give way. Well, it would not have been professional of me to create a scene in the middle of a ceremony in Church. It wasnt professional of her in her conduct but that doesn't mean I have to stoop down to her level. Later, when I confronted her, I told her I was paid to do a job and she should have moved. She replied she too was paid to do a job. Yeah, her job as a journalist is to be as inconspicous as possible so as not to interfere with the normal flow of events but her being where she was seems to me she was trying to do my job. Her new job responsibility should now be official wedding photojournalist for the Miri Daily News. She tried to give me her card asking me to call her editor.. yeah.. if I did, her job would be down the drain. I saw no further point in persuing the matter because the moment was over.

There was another male photographer/reporter there but he was more discrete and professional. Not sure where he was from. Anyway, just a rant for today. Will post pics up once I finished processing them.

Maam, if you are reading this, think carefully about what you just did this morning. Your conduct was entirely unprofessional and your responsibility is to report the news as an outsider. Obstructing the official photographer from doing his/her job could get you and the company you work for sued and ruin the reputation of reporters from your paper. Whilst this matter is now closed to me, I'd recommend you think twice about doing what you just did if ever you are asked to cover another wedding. Some people may not be so forgiving.