Brunei celebrates her 23rd National Day
Today, 24th February 2007, our beloved nation celebrated her independence day.. a day late. The actual day was 23 years ago on teh 23rd February 1984. As usual, the location was the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Padang. Over 7000 members of govt and NGOs took part in the national parade with even more turning up in the form of citizens, permanent residents, ex-patriots and tourists. The main roads around the SOAS padang was closed off and everyone participating turned up as early as 5:00 am. Unfortunately, I was late. Hehehe. I turned up around 8 am. Sorry, I was busy doing some work until 3 am when my espeed 2 connectionn decided to pack up on me. Yeah, I'm now uploading the pics and typing this at Red Chilli in Kiulap. And worst still, the downtime had to happen on a weekend so no updates until further notice.
For more pictures, click on the title to get to the album. This album I've decided not to upload as flash so visitors may save their pics that I took of them if they want. Note: These ones have been watermarked. Those in the main open gallery are not. Also, there were so many photographers there today.. and to the point where I think we could have made our own contingent consisting of solely photographers. Maybe next year. :)
The entire series of pictures above was taken with the Kenko 300 PRO 2X converter.. yeah, from start to finish. Malas ku tukar. Mizi had a try with the Kenko 300 PRO 1.4X. Check out his blog for more info.
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