Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lessons in Photography

I've frequently been asked to start classes in photography. I think its about time I start.
This is what I have proposed.

1) Understanding Photography - the essence

Part 1) A one hour lesson on the fundamentals of photography covering everything you need to know and understand about it. By the end of this lesson, you will have an understanding on how the essential elements of photography works together to produce an image.
Part 2) A one hour practical lesson outdoors on an outing where you will test out what you've learnt in part 1 and iron out all the queries related to part 1.

Minimum requirements: A digital camera capable of manual settings. Can be dSLR or Point and Shoot or Prosumer.
Fee: $300
Maximum enrolment per class: 5
Number of classes per quarter: 1
Maximum intake per year: 20
Based on first come first served

Objectives of Understanding Photography
By the end of the programme, the student will be able to look at a scene, decide what necessary settings is required in order to capture the scene as intended.

This is the prime pre-requisite for further advanced lessons. Students are not allowed to proceed to Stage 2 classes without this.

2) Understanding flash photography - Basics and Advanced Modules

Details will be provided in due time.

3) Understanding professional events photography - Basics and Advanced Modules

Includes on location training and development.
Details will be provided in due time.

4) Understanding workflow and advanced processing techniques - Basic and Advanced Modules

Details will be provided in due time.

Please list your names in the comments and email me to book. I will require your email and telephone number to schedule the class. Full payment required for booking positions.