Monday, March 12, 2007

Things I've been called

1) Know it all/Kambang/Timing

When you are one who understands that knowledge is what God has given you and you read, learn and understand everything you get involved with, when you are pressed to be in the top of your form.. this is what people call you. Presumeably because you know more than them Then, they ask you to teach them. When you do, this is what they call you. When you don't see below.

2) Timing/Kambang/Karit

This is what people call you when you are Mr Know-it-all or Think-he-knows-i-all, then they ask you to teach them and you don't.

Either way, to these people, there is never any pleasing them. Belok kiri pun salah, belok kanan pun salah, kedapan pun salah, undur ke belakang pun salah. When you have intelligence, you are alienated from the norm, when you don't, people think you are a fool. When you are successful, you are targeted, when you are not, you are looked down upon.

I'm dead certain there are people out there, friends and family included, who thinks like this. People who think friends are there for you to bitch and backstab about. People who know me know me for who I am. Those who do not, well, they don't.

Confucious said," Share your knowledge with those who are worthy." What this means is one shares with those who are allies and are your friends.. sharing your knowledge with those who are your false friends will only turn them against you. This are wise words...

Allah SWT is an all-knowing-entity of eternal knowledge and wisdom. The Al-mighty sets our path and our choices in front of us. We follow these paths making these choices so we become a better person so that we too may become enlightened and wise.