Expression Music - Dream Ascends Concert
The write up.
Amazing talents. Amazing kids. Amazing voices. Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Chiam and their team members, Rich, Simon et al for pulling this off. Great job. I was initially a bit worried when after the initial 'censorship' review, questions like, 'So, do you want this to come before this or that? ' was still being asked. Hehe. Superb performances by the different schools that participated in this and especially to those amazing dancers and the aerialist. Simply breathtaking to watch and shoot.
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My overall comments as the photographer at work.. well.. hard to shoot with these 'restrictions' imposed by Shazana's but I did my job either ways. I hope these restrictions were worth it and looking forward to be impressed with the footage.
My suggestions to Lily were to hold at least 2 shows so it allows breathing room for people to pass the word around. You know how it is here in Brunei. It takes good word of mouth to bring in the crowds. I'm sure those who were there would agree with me that the kids put on a fabulous show. Gotta love those drum beats. Hehehe. Never heard so many drums beating in sync.
Hope to see this again in 3 years time.
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