Friday, May 23, 2008

Setting up your GO! USB modem

For OS X users

Things you need to know.

telephone number: dst.internet

Follow the instructions as per the modem guide/pdf file.

When you get to the network setup.. put dst.internet in the [telephone number] field. That's it. Nothing else anywhere else. I called up 151. They hadn't a clue. DST's techs didnt seem to know either. A quick call to AV's 'help-line' and got the information. Seriously, DST should put this information up on their website. Not everyone who subscribes would buy a mac and bring it over to AV to have everything installed. It was a simple enough installation IF a few key information like this was there.

Now.. here's the other information I found out. If you leave the error correction bit ON.. the data flow SUCKS. In fact, its just like a dial-up modem. 15KB/s downloads. Untick it and whoosh. You have your high speed GO!


Otherwise.. here is a step by step:

1) Open box and plug modem in your USB port on ur Mac.
2) A CD icon appears. Open it and look for the OSX folder. Open that and there is a ZIP file here.
3) Copy the ZIP file onto your desktop
4) Pull out the modem
5) Unzip the file and double-click on the .pkg file to start installing the modem script
6) You need to then restart your machine
7) Once up again, plug the modem back in
8) Open up system preference and click network
9) On OS X 10.5 (leopard) click on the + button and under [interface] select the HSDPA modem and OK
10) Click/select on the new network interface you've just created and fill in the following:
Configuration: Default
Phone Number: dst.internet
Account name: [Leave blank]
Password: [Leave blank]
11) Select Advanced
12) Under Vendor, select Other
13) Under Model, select HSDPA Datacard
14) Untick [Enable error correction...]
15) Under Dail Mode: Ignore Dial tone
16) Dailing: Tone
17) Sound: Off
18) Press OK
19) Click Apply

The system should then automatically connect to the GO! network. If it doesnt, click Connect. (I put Show Modem status as ticked.. you may wish not to.)